20 Jan 2013

April 4 Zumba: introducing Amarilis!

One can never know how life will unfold but, somehow, everything generally seems to work out, despite one's plans.

When I began to plan the April 2013 trip to Club Amigo Marea del Portillo, Cuba, I had conversations with two different parties about featuring Zumba as an option, similar to the yoga trips I do each fall. Initially, discussions moved forward more quickly with the people from British Columbia. But, as things have evolved, the Ontario party has come to the forefront.

Both women at the centre of these discussions are native Cubans, now living in Canada. Both are certified Zumba instructors. Either would bring heaps of positive energy and enthusiasm to the JennicaCuba April 4 Zumba trip. So, with regret, I must announce that Isabel Arias will not be leading the Zumba classes on the upcoming trip but, with delight, I can also announce the Amarilis Lily Garcia will be filling that role.

Amarilis now hails from the Peterborough/Lindsay area but is originally from Pilón, just a cha-cha-cha down the road from Marea del Portillo. Before moving north and learning first-hand about snow, she was a dancer at the resort where we will be going in April. Her familiarity with the community will bring a wonderful new dimension to our trip!

When she lived in Pilón, Amarilis taught dance to children at the community's cultural centre. We hope she will be able to arrange a special Zumba class there in April for our group and some local kids. Although the younsters may not be familiar with Zumba, they will certainly be well acquainted with the Salsa dance rhythms it's based on. So, I can't help but wonder: will the Canucks be able to keep up with the kiddies? We shall see!

If you are interested in joining the April 4 Zumba party, please contact tour organizer Jenny Cressman (that's me!) via jennicacuba@gmail.com immediately - the deadline for booking and payment is Jan. 31. Scroll down or click here for prices and other information about this trip.

To learn more about Amarilis, visit her website,  find her on Facebook or check out her fun new Zumba/Salsa video.  If  you want to get an idea of what "our" resort and JennicaCuba trips are all about, click merrily - the links on this site are intended just for that!


P.S. So far, everyone has opted for the VIP Cabana packages, only five Sunwing insurance packages are left and most of the Elite+ seats are taken. I'm still looking for bike sponsors & shepherds!

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