UPDATE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this trip had to be cancelled. In mid March, Sunwing cancelled all southbound flights through the end of April. Cuba subsequently closed its borders to tourism.
I hope it will be safe to travel again in the not too distant future. When it is, I will be happy to lead group trips to Cuba again!
Take care,
Hola mis amigos!
It's still possible to join the crew going to my "second home" at Marea del Portillo, Cuba, on April 15, for either one week or two. Although accommodation at the Farallón Hotel is no longer available, there's space in the Marea Hotel or the nearby cabañas, both of which are beach level. The ocean is, essentially, right in your back yard!
Don't wait too long, though, because space is very, VERY limited and, after Feb. 12, the prices could change. Please get in touch with me soon, if you're interested in going on this trip to warm, wonderful Cuba!
We're getting down to the wire for this trip
There are only four seats left at the advertised rates for my April 15 trip to lovely Marea del Portillo, Cuba, and the deadline to sign up is looming! After Feb. 12, it may still be possible to join the group but the prices will likely be higher.
Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think may be intersted, especially if they like mangos! The mango season will just be starting there, so this a delicious time to visit. April is also the time of the annual crab migration along the Cuban coast. Every year, female land crabs migrate from the forest to release their eggs into the sea, and it's certainly something to see!
